Business Owners should Write

Business WritingI encourage business blogging. I encourage business owners to start a blog and start writing.

Yes, the business owner themselves. Not the PR people. Not some appointed “blogger” in the company, and certainly not a outsourced writer you get on Elance.

Why? Because nobody can (and should!) talk about your business as well as you do. Its your business, for goodness sake.

Write, starting today, not because your writing may be good, but because with consistent practise everyday, over the weeks, months and years, you know for sure your writing will improve.

The time to start honing your writing and expression skills is now, not when someone posts a disgusting video on YouTube and you realize you need your PR peeps to write a script for you to read from. The world values authenticity. Stop hiding behind the CEO title and start being a human.

And it doesn’t take long. I’m timing myself writing this post. 6 minutes and 48 seconds. Maybe when this whole post is done, I’ll take 10 minutes, maybe 15. If you own a business, can you take 15 minutes less in your “chicken talk” everyday and write something about your business, to reach out to the world?

Of course, you could. It boils down to a matter of this: Are you willing to do it?


  1. blogging is not something you do for a day, a week or 52 weeks. once you start you’re committed to a regime of timely blogs, whether once a day, a week or a month.

    the difficulty, i find, is getting started…

    what do you blog about?
    customer raves and rant?
    your hARDworking or lazy staff?
    your new range of products?
    your personal struggles and/or triumphs?

  2. Tim, for your case, perhaps you could tell us more about your adventures – the sightings when you do visit the places like Christmas Island, or even about the awesome coffee place to chill out near your office. (emm.. close down already, issit?)

    Doesn’t have to do with business sometimes, just to let people know that its a human operated travel agency. 🙂

  3. Yaah, writing is not that easy especially for CEOs, who have a bunch of secretaries taking notes and writing their stuff. I totally agree businesses need blogs to communicate with their customers from time to time. As for the CEOs this is a platform for them to interact with their customers and get first hand information about how customers perceive their business. Good Post

  4. Hi Kian Ann,
    I just completed your eCourse thought it was great, thanks for all the info. Although would have been better if I completed before I started blogging would have been alot smoother haha.

    Anyway I have a new blog setup around Innovation its called InnoBunny, hope you can have a look and give me some feedback.

    Thanks again for the course.

  5. Thanks Dan for the comments. I’m glad the course was of help!

    Your Innobunny blog looks great! Looks to me like you’ve everything in place. You could try using a contact form instead of an email address – that will help make things simpler for your users.. and less spam for you 🙂

  6. This is such a great post Kian Ann! Many of the people I work with ASSIGN the task of writing to someone else! This is a big mistake.

    Business is done with PEOPLE we KNOW, LIKE and TRUST and one of the best ways for people to get to do that is for them to read what you write (or audio post or video post).

    Keep up the good work Kian Ann