My Blog Marketing Articles Blog

Blog Marketing Articles BlogA couple of days back I was telling you guys about me going all out to try out other platforms to learn.

Here’s one of the other blogs that I started, on the platform – Blog Marketing Articles for Thought. However, I’m not marketing it as vigorously as this one and also not updating it as regularly as this one 🙂

Since its on a domain, I am also not going to monetize it with ads or do any promotions or such (I’ve heard many stories about WordPress taking down blogs lately), so its pure information.

Of course, at the end of each article is a link to this blog, and I’ve verified it with the support and they’ve said that they see no problem with it as long as the contents are purely original articles and not taken from other sources.

Its great because writing the articles are not extra work since I’m writing these articles out for article marketing anyway, so you have it first hand, even before it appears in the article directories. :mrgreen:

Do check it out and tell me what you feel.

By the way, feel free to use the articles on your blogs or sites should you find any of them nice (I’m still honing my article writing skills!), so long as you publish the last line with a link to this blog 🙂 Cheers!


  1. That’s not a bad idea .. we practically all have a site at wordpress for the Akismet code anyway, right? (Mine’s at but it’s empty. Actually, it was today the first time I have been there for about 6 months .. and changed it to that Xmas theme!

    All these type of articles would probably go perfectly reposted at in the new year sometime .. I’ll be in touch before I do that however! Thanks for the offer 😀

    Happy Holidays!

  2. I never knew their was a difference between and .com.

    I might have a go at making a couple more blogs, I’m having trouble as it is putting out 1 post a day but i could try some other methods. Might do my main blog some good from it :).

  3. Thanks Hart! Anyway… I corrected the spelling 🙂

    Mike, there is a lot of difference between the .com and .org, at the .com, it is more restrictive – you can’t tweak your template HTML, so you have to go with the templates provided there. The only option you have is to tweak the CSS (at a fee). 🙂

    The same goes for MovableType and TypePad.

  4. Yeah, WordPress has been pretty strict lately with the content on their blogs. I read a forums about a “7 hours notice” to remove the content before you are banned kind of thing.

    But then again, its great, because I don’t think I’ve seen any splogs!

    Way to go WordPress!