Blog Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving TurkeyWe don’t really celebrate Thanksgiving here in Singapore (at least not for me), but I can feel that from here, reading all the blogs I read, and its a wondrous thing going on in the U.S. today (well, tomorrow, in your time).

Char at Essential Keystrokes has already listed the blogs she was thankful for, and I think I should list mine too.

My blog has been around for less than three months – but that didn’t stop me from making friends!

  1. I think the first has to be Shi Hengcheong, the first person, and my friend and mentor who got me into Internet marketing and blogging. Your insights into Search Engine Optimization are certainly brilliant and I look forward to learning and working with you.
  2. Next, Easton from BusinessBlogWire (and BlogChalkTalk). Easton was the one who made that comment on my blog, and I checked out his blog and volunteered on the Fortune 500 blog project and then over Skype we realised that we have quite a lot in common, apart from being bloggers 😉 Thanks Easton!
  3. Liz! Everyone knows Liz right? She is the mother of all the SOBs. :mrgreen: Thanks Liz, for your vote of confidence and helping me with the experience of building conversations. I was talking to my mum today and she is also inspired by your blog. 😉
  4. Darren from Blog-Republic! Somehow I find Darren’s posts and opinions very… different. He just has his own powerful voice in his post, and I admire that. Thanks Darren, for our discussions (on your blog) on the various issues about the Blogosphere. Looking forward to more.
  5. SleepyBlogger Robyn! I feel Robyn’s posts are down to earth, and in every post, you can really feel that there is a human behind that blog. Thanks Robyn!
  6. Jim from OneByOne Media. Thank you for recognizing my newbie posts and then even extending our conversations to Skype. Making another friend makes blogging more worthwhile.
  7. Lorelle, for your very useful and guides on WordPress and blogging – they certainly gave me inspiration!
  8. Ted, the author of Blogging For Business. You has given me a new perspective on authorship and book writing. Thanks!
  9. Hart, for helping me and educating me with the importance of WordPress database backups. Thanks Hart!
  10. Fione and Harrace, from eOneNet. Thanks Fione for being such a sincere trainer, and Harrace for dropping comments, I look forward to meeting you in person.
  11. Steven from InternetOn9. Steven is a friend of mine whom I’ve met in 2004, but we lost touch. We found each other back through our blogs. Thanks Steven for catching up.
  12. Andy, for your advice into Internet Marketing. You’ve certainly been moving on very fast, and I look forward to learning more from you!
  13. And of course, very very importantly, Char at Essential Keystrokes! Thank you for including me together with your group of wonderful blogs. It was certainly fun learning about your experience being a WAHM for 10 years!

Well, I must say this list is just a very small group of the people I’ve interacted with through our blogs or other online means through these three months of blogging. There are a lot more whom have dropped by and left comments, wonderful thoughts and insights, and I really wish I could meet up with every one of you! You people are so nice!

So… I understand that you people have a lot of turkey to eat :mrgreen: and a lot to travel to do, so have fun, and travel safe! 🙂 Enjoy!


  1. Hi Kian Ann,

    Learning then doing is good. But the greatest happiness is to pass on what I’ve learn to another person so that he can benefit too.

    Thank you for believing in and trusting me.

  2. Hi Kian Ann,

    I am glad to have like mind people like you to blog together….also thanks for mentioning. We are good friend. 😛

  3. Hi Steven! Glad to be able to know you too! Its always more fun to have more like minded people doing the same thing to encourage each other!

  4. Thanks Kian Ann! I really am very thankful for all the great bloggers I have met and you are one of them. Keep up the great work – you have so much to share.

  5. Better late than never .. which is odd, because us Canucks are usually earlier! (We had Thanksgiving October 9th) .. Hope those backups are working and glad to offer the tips, because in return I found a new blog to read 😀 // and, because I see you around every Tuesday too.. perhaps!

  6. Thanks Robyn. The only reason why I am doing fine is because I’ve been learning hard from great bloggers like yourself! 😉 Really!

  7. What you give, you will receive! Thanks for attending our 1st blog seminar in Singapore and writing a great review. I note that your traffic has been steadily increasing since then.

    Keep up your good work!