Back from my break!

Phew, for the past 4 days, I have taken a break (from this blog), and took a trip out of the country! It was a wonderful weekend getaway, out of the busy city and hectic schedule, into a beach resort with nice blue seas with no cargo ships to be seen in the horizon.

It was also a great time to reflect and take a step back on what am doing, look at longer term plans, and really be with the people we work hard for everyday, and live our lives for. 🙂


Now I’m back again with more energy. Hurray! Back to blogging!

I realised that my Alexa ranking is slipping away – and now its back to 65,318. But interestingly, I am getting more visitors everyday this month and more sign ups for my Blog Marketing eCourse, so I guess it is still good.

It’ll be better if the rankings don’t slip, though :mrgreen:

Anyway, I think every blogger deserves breaks. Maintaining a blog is fun and exhilarating, but there are times where you just don’t feel like writing anything. Times where you just prefer to take a book and read, rather than read feeds and articles off the web.

Is it time you take a break too?

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