Google Chrome – Your New Web Browser!

google-chrome-browserI’m blogging from a new Internet browser today!

Google has released their new Internet Browser just yesterday, (yes, that’s something that can replace Internet Explorer and Firefox!) Google Chrome!

Check out the announcement on the Google System Blog.

What’s good about it? As far as my experience goes, its REALLY fast loading, but if you hear the words from the horse’s mouth what you get is a browser built for today’s web applications.

One of the features is that each tab is run as a new process – which means if one tab is giving you a tough time, you can shut that tab down, without losing the other pages.

I really like the fact that its really fast loading, and its really clean. Its a great alternative to just quickly get surfing, when you don’t need Firefox and its plugins.

Go on, give it a go!


  1. That’s the after effects of Web server crashing and having to move out all the sites on an expensive VPS to several smaller shared hosting.

    Speaking of SEO, I was invited to speak at the SMX Singapore in October. So will be very busy this month to prepare the material and polish up my presentation skill for that very important 25 minutes.

    Don’t even think of googling for the terms smx singapore, you won’t to any relevant site yet because Search Marketing Expo Singapore is very new here.

    Go to this URL instead:

    The person behind this SMX series of conferences is Danny Sullivan.

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