Must we all have big dreams?

Two weeks ago, one of my friends whom I met at a seminar introduced me to a business consultant.

Over a cup of coffee, he (the business consultant) proposed that he do a free consultation of my business for me. The session was great – he got me thinking and planning my business for life, and asked me questions like “Where do I see this business doing in 5 years time”, “What are the challenges I may face 10 years down the road”… and things like that.

Basically, I was kinda dumbfounded by the questions – I had no solid plans whatsoever about making this business I am doing into a multi-million dollar fortune 500 company. I figured that what I (and I believe many others in this world) am doing very hard to achieve working everyday is freedom.

Freedom, in terms on financial freedom – the feeling of not needing to worry too much about money, and in terms of time freedom – not being bound by working hours, and the ability to choose if you want to wake up at 7am, or 12 noon.

So anyway, in the session two weeks ago, he painted for me a picture – he drew me steps I need to take to build up this business, so that it will last beyond my generation. It was big! Real big! There were offices and employees and all the organizational stuff and all about putting systems in place, so that I can take a step back and relax.

Needless to say, that plan was inspiring.

It has been two weeks since the day I met up with him, and I was supposed to meet him again today.

But yesterday I gave further thought about the whole thing, and I realised – Hey, this is NOT what I want! I figured that I have my own goals to fulfil, and I shouldn’t be thinking about building multinational corporations when what I really love to do is to work from home.

I told him I will not be meeting up today. It was kinda last minute, and I feel bad for the cancellation, but hey, I would rather spend time working on what I am supposed to work, rather than listen to big woolly plans. I felt better being myself.

Must we all have big dreams? To earn a million dollars and build foundations to feed ten thousand people?

I think not. I think we need to be ourselves.

Last week, Tony shared some pointers about growing home based businesses. In his 2-step assessment approach, he recommended that I will need to answer “What do I really want?”, and “What is my role?”

I guess what I really want is to work at home! Well, I might end up working with a few “employees” to split the work eventually, but I envision that there should be more leverage on technology than people. In fact, if possible, I would like to stay solo, and outsource only when necessary. The sole purpose of the business is passion and to provide for one family. My future family.

That is my dream. My small dream.

And I know this is possible, I know of people who have done so successfully. I need to find the right formula.

Are you working on big dreams because someone else has painted for you? I’m not trying to be a wet blanket here, but really, must we all have big dreams?


  1. I agree with this! I think if you are happy, comfortable and life is good, do you need a huge dream? To chase the brass ring creates stress. If it happens naturally, great! grab it! I meet so many people who say they want to start a blog so they can start making passive revenue. You know how much passive revenue most bloggers make? Google Adsense and affiliate advertising revenues happens after you’re WELL ESTABLISHED and have tons of traffic. You don’t start a blog and become rich! – So I agree, do what you love, enjoy life, have some dreams, but don’t kill yourself trying to get there.

  2. Thanks Derrick!

    Actually, I was thinking… would there be other ProBlogger style blogs popping up? Can people still make money blogging if they focus two more years of effort?

    I think it would be a lot tougher. The blogosphere is a lot bigger today than two years ago.

    Well, let’s do what we want to do, go get a comfortable income and be happy. Of course, more income will make your happier, life may be easier, but consider the work it takes to get there too.

  3. Great expansion of the idea, Kian Ann!

    We all have to figure out our own definition of success. Too often, we just go with whatever others tell us (parents, mentors, the media).

    Once we have a good grasp of what success means to *us* everything tends to fall into place.

  4. Hi Kian Ann,

    What I think is that everyone should have a dream. No matter big or small because different people have different capacity.

    And neither do I ever want to despise small dream. You see you will never know the true potiential until you are stretch. So it might start up as a small dream but in the end it might end up and become a big dream.

    I guess the small dream is actuall a good way to build our character and our working capacity so that one day we can do something bigger. Of course step by step.

    That my thought!

    John Tan

  5. What happened to you reminds me of the story of a fisherman and MBA man. In case you’ve not heard, you can read multiple versions of the story here.

    To me, the moral of the story — one doesn’t have to make a lot of money to be happy; he just has to use his given ability to the fullest and knows what’s his true happiness.

    I am glad that you know what makes you happy.

  6. Tony, well said! “We all have to figure out our own definition of success.”

    I guess success means different things to different people. Earning a billion dollars may mean a lot to most people (myself too! :mrgreen: ), but what may be more important to some people is to have a safe and comfortable home and family. Thanks!

    John, thanks. Small dreams are stepping stones for bigger dreams too. I guess the best (and the only) way to do something big is to take small steps, one at a time. So the Chinese proverb says “The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”

  7. Hey Shi, thanks! I’ve heard of the story! 🙂 Now I’ve printed my goals and slapped them right in front of me, above my monitor to make sure I don’t fall out again! 🙂

  8. Hi KA, that good down to earth thinking. 🙂
    Can we think up something to start partnering on?

    I have a people that want help to start up blogs. Maybe you can provide that service to them? Let me know.

  9. Hi Kian Ann,

    let me just add my two cents worth of opinion. Yes, success is definitely up to one’s own definition. Everyone defines success differently hence there’s really no universal measure of success. However, I do have my own indicators of my very own success. Its not necessarily right, and people may disagree. But its my own measure.

    Firstly, I deem having the ability to make a positive difference as an indicator of one’s success. To me, nothing beats being able to add value in others and changing other’s lives for the better.

    Success is also in line with happiness. I feel that its only when you are able to find satisfaction with what you’re doing and don’t dread facing every new day that you are really successful.

    Lastly, I equate success to being able to discover our purpose and mission on earth and having the ability to follow it. It has got to do with making full use of the talents and skills God has presented us with and letting God work through us.

    As for your question on if it’s a must to have big dreams, nope it’s not a must for sure. But only by having big dreams will enable you to stretch yourself and achieve your maximum potential. But then again, it all boils down to how strong is our driving factor. I do believe that if there were no big dreams, much of today’s inventions would not have been founded. And we’ll still be living a backward life.

    I believe all man are created to accomplish great things on earth. And I stand by this quote ‘Our life is a gift from God. How we live it is our gift to God’.


  10. Thanks Calvin for your thoughts.

    Man can accomplish great things, and they certainly have. Big dreams certainly also stretch us to our maximum potential.

    Maybe its really up to the person. Maybe most people think “big dreams” means you must stretch out as far as possible to touch as many people’s lives as possible, but maybe my “big dream” is to provide the best for one family. 🙂