Bookmark Explosion for 21 January 2007

Bookmarks ExplosionSome links to share for the week:

  1. When you start to develop your products or services, consider these 7 As of Marketing by Walter
  2. WebproNews is saying that search marketing is getting tougher. Top 10 is not enough. You need to be Top 5!
  3. Why use blogs instead of websites? Lee Odden shares some SEO benefits for Blogs
  4. Despite my previous post, I think Linda Bustos has her top 10 sins of blog usability is still a great article to read!
  5. Wanna pimp out some money from your WordPress blog? Check out how to do it in 7 easy steps
  6. Unrequested links are like $20 bills.” At least, that is what the guys at BloggerDesign says.
  7. Have you upgraded to WordPress 2.0.7? Find out why you need to keep it updated.
  8. When Olive gets into trouble, newspapers need blogs. Find out why.
  9. Bill Marriott, Chairman & CEO of Marriott Internationalhas started a blog! Wheee!!

Enjoy your Sunday! 🙂


  1. The WebProNews report is interesting.

    I am sure everyone wants to be at the top – number 1 is the most desired position.

    And I have a better suggestion…

    How about getting a number of your web pages from different websites to rank No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4 and No.5 for the same search phrase?

    Is it possible? Yes, I think so.

  2. I think to get the No.1 and No. 2 positions for less competitive keywords is still possible if you’ve an “authority” website on the topic.

    For example, your website is ranked No.1 and No.2 for the search phrase “singapore blog marketing“. Positions 9 and 10 have links to your blog.

    As for third and fourth positions, you can “bribe” Fione Tan and Stuart Tan to give you a link at their blogs.

    The rest of the readers of this blog can help you by making a post to talk about you and your blog marketing training, optimize it for the keywords singapore blog marketing, and link it to

    When that is done, these posts which are linked to your blog would also get traffic when they are ranked in the top 5 positions of Google and Yahoo search.

    Hey bloggers! Let’s help Kian Ann to get him into the first 5 positions for the search phrase “singapore blog marketing” in Google and maybe Yahoo too.

    Afterall, it is YOUR blog that is ranked top 5!

  3. Pleasure to share, Char.

    Shi! I realised that another alternate way to “monopolise” the SEs are to get yourself listed on social networking sites like LinkedIn, MyBlogLog and MySpace!

    Now is that social media marketing?

  4. Hi kian Ann, Social networking site can really help you get lot of traffic to your site. Just MyblogLog alone had contribute some of my web traffic. How about posting your blog post to social bookmarking site. Ops I think we are revealing more and more 🙂

    John Tan

  5. John, there is nothing wrong with revealing whatever strategies we use, really. I think this world really runs on people willing to share. Those who are not willing to share are the ones who are behind.

    Besides, it is not the strategy that works, it is the action that we put in that works. 🙂

  6. Pingback: Blog Roundup for the 20th of January 2007 :: Christopher Ross