My first blog optimization project

This morning I went out to meet my Certified Professional Trainers (CPT) coach, Patrick, to seek his advice on how to go about getting started with my blog marketing training in Singapore, and also to help him to optimize his blog.

Patrick is a trainer and coach by profession (hence he is my coach! :mrgreen:), and his company Yes Club International envisions to help the young adults in Singapore make better choices and decisions in life.

He has a blog set up on a blogger hosted account, and there are already a couple of posts on the blog. Check out his Evangelist for Success blog.

Patrick's Blog

After going through some of the options with him, we have decided that it would be best to work on this blog first. Getting WordPress would be good, but since the blog has already been established, I will be working on this blog first. 🙂

So, in the next few days, I will be applying all the techniques I’ve learnt in Designer SEO workshop, and optimizing the template, moving away from the typical Blogger template. I’m not very familiar with the Blogger template commands, because I have been so addicted to WordPress, but I think it makes the project more challenging, and only when there is challenge, there is learning. At least, I’m sure tweaking a Blogger template is easier than tweaking a WordPress template 😛

We’ll see how it goes 🙂

By the way, some of those articles featured on Patrick’s blog were featured on the Straits Times recruit section before! So, check them out, and let Patrick know what you think about them by leaving him some comments!


  1. So who is the coach now?

    The student becomes the teacher and the teacher is now the student. It may sound strange to many, especially this is how most people feel in the society and era where I was brought up.

    Technology changes how people learn. You no longer learn from the person with the most experience (meaning most aged), you want to learn from the master who can grasp the concepts most quickly and have the ability to apply the knowledge immediately. And this is where younger people excel.

    And yes, the best way to learn is to teach! Well done, Kian Ann.

    Here’s what you can do with Patrick’s blog.

    1. Decide on a primary keyword and use it in the title tag.

    2. Make the title of of each post is the permalinked. Remove the permalink from the post time.

    3. Use the title of each post in the description meta tag.

    4. Remove the archive links from the individual post page.

    5. Need to Change the way the title is being phrased. Keywords have to be embedded to each post title.

    6. Sub-headings should be used for his lengthy post to make it scanning-friendly.

    7. Patrick needs a crash course on SEO copywriting.

  2. Thanks Shi! Yes, I will be working both on the template and making some changes to his posts to optimize it for a particular keyword related to his industry.

    It think everybody has his or her area of speciality – and we need to learn from someone who has more experience in that area… age doesn’t matter.

    Of course, I have a lot to learn from Patrick about training, and developing training programs! 🙂

  3. Pingback: The SEO practitioner’s key to optimizing Blogger templates