What do I wanna be when I grow up?

I was tagged in a meme earlier by Andrew, asking me what I wanna do when I grow up!

Well well well, this is a question that I think everybody ought to spend time seriously thinking about!


Previously, (since young) I’ve thought about being a pilot. Yeah yeah, when I was young (not that I’m not young anymore! 😉 ) I used to love aeroplanes – the F-14s, F-16s, F-18s and all those stuff. I wanted to zoom across the sky waking everybody from their sleep with my afterburner!

My elder brother and I used to build model aeroplanes with those lego-like building blocks, and I remember my favourite was the F-16! Everytime we went to a model shop, I would look at those cool model F-16s and dream of myself flying one. Woooo…

But that was a childhood dream. Anyway, during my military service, I also learnt that I probably would have difficulty getting into an F-16 now. I’m too big sized. 😛

Systems Analyst

As I learnt more about computers in school, it brought to aspire to be a systems analyst – one with real power-packed technical knowledge about everything that goes within the computer, understanding everything from the assembly language to high level languages like C++ (then still hot) and Visual Basic.

Man. I can’t believed I actually loved running through the program step by step pressing F8 on the keyboard debugging each line of code.

But I guess it was short lived. I loved doing small programs that work, but school also taught me to dislike programming later… because I had too much of it!


Then I started to love training. Actually, it isn’t training that I love, but the fact that you are able to help people solve their problems really inspires me. Since I have that technical edge in understanding not too complex programming code, I thought it would be great if I could share my knowledge with others.

I still love training today.

Internet Marketer

I love Internet marketing, because it is just me. Believe it or not, I used to be a very very introverted person who rarely talks or socializes. Internet marketing lets me be me. It lets me sit behind the computer everyday and just “do my work”.

Besides, I love the fact that Internet marketing can bring me a more leveraged and passive income. I’m still improving everyday being an Internet marketer.

Now that I’ve typed this out, I realise my life is so much connected to technology. I grew up with technology, from the days of the monochrome monitors and 5.25″ floppy diskettes, and CD-Rom drives that require caddies. Phew! Its been a long journey, and I’m barely halfway through the journey.

What would you like to be when you grow up? Let it out, Glenn, John, Amrit, Mike and Jim!


  1. Kian,

    Very nice post. It’s great that you’ve really settled into the field where you feel most at home. From what I’ve seen, you’re darn good at it!

    Take care,

  2. Andrew,

    Thanks! You seem to be doing well with law too!

    I think when it is about doing something you like, being better than others is no longer an issue, it becomes something we call mastery – a challenge to be better than oneself everyday!

  3. Pingback: » What do I want to be when I grow up Blogging, Web Development and Web Marketing All You Need To Know Blog. Typer Tappers.

  4. Hey Everyday Weekender!

    Blogging indeed is one activity that I love to do, and I especially love the social aspect, getting to know other bloggers!

    I would love to be a full time blogger, but that takes a lot of focus in writing, and bloggers aren’t earning as much as they should (in my opinion). Anyway, best of luck! 🙂